
Painting a way forward

Painting a way forward

Kamsani Bin Salleh talks about combining the past, present and future through art. Describe yourself. I’m based in Perth but originally from a small country town. After school I studied architecture because I was interested in design but didn’t think I had a future in art. This seemed a practical...

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What it’s Like to Write a Novel

What it’s Like to Write a Novel

A chat with first time book author Victoria Hannan about her stunning debut, Kokomo. What made you want to write a novel? Back in 2017, I was working in a job I hated. I wasn’t sleeping well and I was so stressed my hair was falling out. I knew I...

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Interview with illustrator Sakuya

Quick Q+A With illustrator Sakuya Higuchi

Q: What is your name? おなまえは? A: Sakuya Higuchi 樋口 咲耶です。 Q: How old are you? おいくつですか? A: 34 years old in September. 9月で34歳になります。 Q: Where are you from? 出身地はどこですか? A: Ibaraki, Northeast of Tokyo. 茨城県です。 Q: Where do you live now? どちらにお住まいですか? A: Tokyo 東京都です。 Q: When did you...

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the little free pantry for Lunch Lady Magazine

Little Free Pantry

Inspired by the Free Little Library movement, Jessica McClard saw a need to create free food boxes and believes any small action of giving in community can make a huge difference. // What is Little Free Pantry? The concept behind Little Free Pantry (LFP) is simple: give what you can,...

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Growing up Black in Australia by Tekie Quaye

Growing up in Australia by Tekie Quaye

"Becoming a parent raises all sorts of questions about the way you might bring up your child and the family you want to be. I find that much of what I do and don’t want for my daughter is a reflection of my own experiences as a child."

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Lunch Lady Blog - issue 12 - Starry Skies

Starry Skies

How did Starry Skies begin—what ignited the initial idea? Co-founder and director Sid is the creative mind behind our big sister event Shambala and was the catalyst behind Starry Skies. The concept came from the idea of needing another holiday to recover after going on a holiday with the kids,...

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Malala's father - interview

Malala's father - interview

A chat with Ziauddin Yousafzai, father of Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala, about fatherhood, the importance of education and breaking the iron bars of patriarchy. Could you tell us a bit about your own childhood? How did your experiences shape your thinking about equality and education? I grew up in...

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Lunch Lady Blog - Holy Scrolly - Issue 7

Holy Scrolly - try these scroll recipes

CHEDDAR + MISO SCROLLS • 1 cup self-raising flour • 3/4 cup Greek yoghurt • 3 tbsp hatcho miso • 3/4 cup cheddar cheese, grated • 1 tbsp sesame seeds 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C / 350°F / Gas Mark 4. 2. Line a baking tray with baking paper....

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Lunch Lady - issue 3 - album covers drawn by a 6 year olds


Interview with Tano Veron: Co-founder of art project Rock at Six Years, a collaboration with his six-year-old niece, Nicolina Lorenza Vachetti What is this project about? Rock at Six Years is a family art project by me and my niece, Nicolina Lorenza Vachetti. It’s a collection of contemporary abstract album...

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Lunch Lady Blog - issue 14 - Bunnies

All about bunnies

Adorable pets, cartoon heroes and an intractable environmental scourge: this is the story of the world’s most lovable pest. Okay, we admit it: ‘rodent’ is a bit mean. While the rabbit was once a card-carrying member of the order Rodentia, it achieved such world-spanning success and biological diversity that, in...

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Cultivating Kindness in Kids

Cultivating Kindness in Kids

We all want our kids to be kind human being, but an increasing body of research is showing that kindness is also good for our mental and physical health. Here's how to cultivate more of it in your family.

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how to grow your own watermelon


The first thing on the list for any potted-plant DIY is a pot. And this pot needs to be a biggie. Look for something with at least a 20-litre capacity, and drainage holes. Once you’ve acquired your big watermelon pot, you’ll need to fill it with potting mix. Don’t use...

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Woodford Festival

A chat (and giveaway!) with Woodford Folk Festival.

Woodford Folk Festival are offering up a one day family pass for this year’s festival! To enter just head either to our instagram or facebook page. If you don’t have social media, email with your name and phone number. Good luck! (For all other Woodford ticket enquiries, head here)...

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DIY Skin & Hair care

DIY skin + hair care: easy recipes for you to try

Did you know you can make your own DIY skin and hair care products from the natural ingredients sitting in your kitchen? Here is a quick run down of all the natural products you probably already have at home and what they can do for your skin & hair. Avocado...

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A hilarious guide to good table manners

A guide to good table manners

Just as there is with wine, food, gangsters, royalty and morning ablutions, there is such a thing as napkin etiquette.

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Clothing the gender gap

Kate Pietrasik is founder and designer at unisex kids fashion brand Tootsa MacGinty. Here she talks the problem with pink and blue, being a single parent and starting a unisex fashion kids business from scratch, with a baby in tow. I’ve always been a bit of an adventurer. When I...

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Homecamp bell tent giveaway

Win this homecamp Bell Tent!

We do love camping with quality gear, and the Homecamp bell tent is tops! We are stoked we have a Homecamp Classic 4m Bell Tent plus a Flatpack Firepit & Grill to giveaway to one lucky reader – all you have to do is subscribe to our fortnightly newsletters to...

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ethical carnivore lunch lady magazine

Meat head: How to be an ethical carnivore

As the world rushes towards a state of environmental emergency, what does it mean to be an ethical carnivore? Does such a thing even exist? Let’s get one thing out of the way up top: meat is delicious. A good bit of meat activates our brain’s pleasure centres in a...

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To Bee or Not To Bee

A young scientist from France, Simon Klein is carrying on a tradition started by the Acádémie des sciences, which stretches back over 300 years to when King Louis XIV founded it. Better known for its contribution to the arts, France has constantly been at the forefront of scientific advances, too,...

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Mindful in May

Mums who Meditate, with Dr Elise Bialylew

A chat about Mindful in May, meditation and mums who meditate. Tell us your background. I decided I was going to be a Psychiatrist when I was 16 years old (I know, it’s pretty funny in retrospect). I don’t think I really understood what Psychiatry entailed back then, but I...

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Kawa Leaf

Kawa Leaf

When Dee Tang lost her almost four-year-old daughter Kawa Leaf in a drowning accident, her life changed, and so did her perspective on the bigger picture. Here Dee shares her thoughts on life, death, love, universal grief and what’s most important to learn from loss.

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Zero waste home

Zero-Waste Home

Back in 2006, Bea Johnson and her family started a war on waste and reduced their household rubbish to fit in just one small jar a year. Twelve years on, Bea has inspired a global movement and now spends her time writing books and travelling the world teaching others how...

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an illustration of a hand holding a cup of tea. The angle is looking down into the tea to read tea leaves

A beginner's guide to reading tea leaves

Fancy a bit of woo-woo with your daily brew? Pop the kettle on and consult your humble cuppa for intuitive insights into your future and your fortune.   

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refugee camps kids europe clowns

Helping kids in refugee camps

Lead by founder and CEO Ash Perrin (or Bash, when he’s in the baggy pants), the Flying Seagull Project has been spreading a gospel of laughter and joy to some of the world’s neediest children since 2008, helping kids in refugee camps. “There are more than 50 million child refugees...

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