The first thing on the list for any potted-plant DIY is a pot. And this pot needs to be a biggie. Look for something with at least a 20-litre capacity, and drainage holes.
Once you’ve acquired your big watermelon pot, you’ll need to fill it with potting mix. Don’t use soil from the garden: it will compact too quickly and your watermelons will struggle to grow.
Now, choose your melon.
Look for a variety that grows small fruit. These include:
– Moon and Stars watermelon
– Sugar Baby watermelon
– Crimson Sweet watermelon
– Early Moonbeam watermelon
– Jubilee watermelon
– Golden Midget watermelon
– Jade Star watermelon
– Millennium watermelon
– Orange Sweet watermelon
– Solitaire watermelon
Pop the watermelon seed into the soil. The seed should be planted 3 times deeper than it is long. Give the seed a generous drink of water.
You can also plant a seedling—it’s entirely up to you.
Once you’ve planted your watermelons, you’ll need to provide support for the plant. Without it, watermelons can take up tonnes of space. You can use a trellis or a teepee to support the plant and, as the vine grows, train it up the structure.
Once fruit appears, you’ll need to give it some support, too. Use some old run-filled stockings or a t-shirt you never wear to create a hammock under the fruit. Tie each end of the hammock to the watermelon’s main support. As the watermelon grows, the hammock will stretch to handle the size of the fruit.
You’ll need to water your plant daily in temperatures under 27˚C / 80˚F, and twice daily in temperatures over that.
Use a water-based fertiliser once a week for good measure, too, or use a slow-release fertiliser once a month.
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