Recipe: Rainbow iceblocks

Got fond memories of slurping on a rainbow iceblock when you were a kid? Now you can make your own at home. Free from any artificial gunk, these rainbow popsicles are made with coconut water and fresh fruit.
Coconut water makes a great base for these colour treats because it's practically clear. You can choose to leave it plain and add pieces of chopped fruit for colour. Or, you can whiz it together with fruit in a blender. Different coloured juices also work well.
Use your imagination and allow at least a few hours for the previous layer to completely freeze before adding the next.
Here are some ideas to make different colours of your frozen rainbow.
Frozen blueberries soaked in coconut water.
Mango + orange juice.
Frozen banana, a little milk or coconut water, a touch of honey + a teeny bit of turmeric
Frozen raspberries or sliced strawberries in coconut water.
Watermelon juice.
Kiwi, lime + mint in a little coconut water.
This recipe for rainbow iceblocks was originally published in Lunch Lady Magazine Issue 16.