Meet Jennifer Cossins

An interview with award-winning author-illustrator Jennifer Cossins on her latest book, Extreme Animal Facts⎯an exploration of over 140 of the world's most extraordinary animals.

Jennifer Cossins (right), with her partner in business (and life), Tracy Colhoun, in their book store Red Parka.
What inspired you to dive into the extreme side of animal facts? Was there a particular creature or moment that sparked the idea for this book?
I've spent a lot of time reading and researching animals over the years for my other books. Somewhere along the way, it just occurred to me that all the weird and wonderful facts I've encountered would make a great book. Many of the facts I've come across didn't fit into a previous book, so in this book, I was able to compile them into one big collection of extreme facts.
Did you love animals as a kid? What kind of animals did you have growing up?
I've always loved animals! Elephants were my early favourite and even one of my first words—pronounced 'emus'! Growing up, we adopted our neighbourhood stray cats, and I've adopted a steady line of rescue cats ever since.
Did any of the extreme facts you researched entirely surprise or shock you? Which ones stand out as the most mind-blowing?
This is hard! It might be the lizard that shoots blood from its eyeballs when threatened, or possibly the tiny pufferfish that makes huge geometric patterns on the ocean floor to attract a mate. Or maybe, the immortal jellyfish, which can essentially live forever!
If you could meet one animal from the book, which one would it be? What would you ask it?
The wandering albatross! I would ask them what it's like to live in the sky, so far from land and humans and all the worries of our strange human life.
Was it challenging to write and illustrate this book? Which do you prefer?
Yes, it's always a challenge to get my message down in a way that works for the reader.
Illustration is my first love so that part of it, which takes waaaaay longer, is easily my favourite part. However, the writing is interesting because of the research required to get the facts right.
What do you hope readers take away from this book?
It is my hope readers come away from this book feeling in awe of the animal kingdom and realising that there is so much more out there than we realise! Animals are truly amazing, but most people don't know much about them. By learning about these animals, people are more likely to protect them and their habitat, so I sincerely hope my books help the world become a little kinder and more caring.
Meet Jennifer Cossins was published in partnership with Hachette Publishing. Buy Extreme Animal Facts or meet Jennifer Cossins on her Red Parka book store Instagram page.