Sweet Potato Toast Revelation

11 October 2016
Imagine if someone said to you, “hey, bread is a vegetable and you can eat it for every meal”, wouldn’t that be the greatest news of your life? It would be in my top 10 for sure. But it isn’t. But sweet potato IS a vegetable AND you can make toast out of it.
I have been whipping up these creations for a little bit now, and I thought it would be a really nice thing to share with you guys. It’s great for any meal and you can make them either sweet or savoury. I just made a sweet AND a savoury for lunch. 🐷 Here’s what I made.
For the toast:
- 1 sweet potato, cut lengthways about 6mm thick
For the savoury topping:
- 1 hard or soft boiled egg
- 4 florets of broccoli, blanched
- 1/3 cup of parmesan, grated
- drizzle of olive oil (I used garlic infused)
- salt and pepper, to taste
- Sriracha
- 3–4 basil leaves, chopped
- lemon wedge
For the sweet topping:
- choc almond butter, to taste (there is a recipe for this in issue one)
- 1/2 banana, sliced into circles
- 2 strawberries, sliced
- sprinkle of chia seeds
- drizzle of maple syrup
What to do:
- In a food processor, pop in the broccoli and parmesan and whiz . While the food processor is running, drizzle in some olive oil and add salt and pepper to taste. Whiz until broccoli and parmesan is well combined. Set aside.
- Pop slices of sweet potato into the toaster, or under the grill and toast until golden brown. Turn over and toast the other side.
- For the savoury toast, put one slice of sweet potato toast onto a plate and cover with broccoli mix, and then the egg.
- Cut the egg in half and squeeze as much Sriracha as you like over the top (you can of course omit it all together).
- Garnish with chopped basil and a lemon wedge.
- Eat!
- For the sweet toast, spread as much, or as little as you like of the choc almond spread onto the sweet potato.
- Layer the banana and strawberries on top.
- Sprinkle with chia seeds and drizzle with maple syrup.
- Eat.