The Dangerous Fig, Goats Cheese + Rosemary Tarte Tatin (Birthday Edition #2)

The Dangerous Fig, Goats Cheese + Rosemary Tarte Tatin (Birthday Edition #2)
19 March 2015
I am finding it really hard to write this post.
I just ate this whole tart. THE WHOLE THING.
The laptop is resting on my full belly, like a stable table.
I am currently a great source of amusement to everyone in the house, with my constant moaning and sloth like movements. I may, no will, need help rolling over in bed tonight.
On the school run, I tried to think of a birthday cake to make my guy for his birthday tomorrow. He says he isn’t in to cake (yeah, right) so I had to come up with something a little less cakey, and easy. This week has been insane.
BING! He loves figs. We have a tonne of them. I’ll make something with figs.
I know I am a huge ‘from scratch’ advocate, but when it comes to puff pastry I am still in struggle town. I have tried so many times and it is also so time consuming (especially when you are so crap at it). There are a couple of people who CAN make the stuff and sell it at nice shops. This is what I get. And it makes this tarte possibly one of the easiest and delicious things you will EVER make.
But please, be careful. It is dangerously delicious.
The Dangerous Fig, Goats Cheese + Rosemary Tarte Tatin (Birthday Edition #2)
What You Need
- 100g Butter
- 100g Dark brown sugar
- 6 – 8 figs
- Chèvre goats cheese (enough to sprinkle over tarte)
- Spring of rosemary
- 1 sheet of puff pastry
What You Need to Do
- Preheat your over to 200˚C.
- Cut your puff pastry to the size of your cake tin. I just used a normal 20cm round cake tin.
- Put the pastry in the fridge while you do the rest of the steps.
- Melt the sugar and the butter, in a saucepan, on the stovetop until it’s all combined.
- Cut up your figs in to nice thickish slices.
- Pour caramelly sauce, from the stovetop, in to cake tin, and cover the bottom of it.
- Place the figs in a nice spiral pattern over the caramel, so it covers the whole base of the tin.
- Pop your pre cut puff pastry over the top.
- Whack it in the oven for 25 – 30 minutes. You want it to be bubbling over the top of the pastry. Yummmmm.
- On a big plate, or I did it on a tray as I STILL don’t have a nice big cake plate, flip your tarte over and wonder in its beauty.
- Once it has cooled a little, sprinkle over your chèvre and rosemary.
- Eat it. But please, try and not eat the whole thing, as much as it seems a good idea at the time. It is not.