Comfort Food for Mums of Pre-teens
26 May 2016
It is official, there’s a pre-teen in the house.
This morning was amazing. She was helpful, kind and loving. Who knows who will hop off the bus this afternoon.
It’s really interesting being on the other side of this pre-teen / teen angst. I was a pretty troubled pre-teen slash teen. I was sad, angry and moody. I listened to all the sad, angry and moody anthems on my stereo locked in my bedroom. On repeat. I speared daggers of torment with my dagger eyes to all in my path. I was emo before emo existed. TO THE EXTREME.
I see this is an opportunity to heal the hurt teen within and to extend an olive branch to the thing that’s taken over my kid’s mind and body (particularly the “I can’t stand any part of your being mum” facial expression part of her body). My memories of confusion and terror are still quite fresh in my mind. It’s a time in my life I never ever want to relive. I keep this in the forefront of my mind when dealing with the fire and daggers that is sometimes thrown my way.
That’s not saying it’s easy and it doesn’t hurt. The distance that’s all of sudden happened between us is confronting. I can’t wash her hair anymore, her bedroom door gets closed and when I ask what’s up, all I get is “nothing”.
A good bowl of comfort helps me through. I actually call this my stoner food meal, as I just kept chucking things in the pot that looked yum in the pantry. Luckily it all tasted delicious in the end, not like my 20 something creation of baked beans and 2 minute noodles.
- 1 cup organic short grain brown rice
- 1 1/2 cups coconut milk
- 1 1/2 cups water
- 3 tbsp maple syrup
- 2 tbsp raw cocao
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- mascarpone, to serve
- drizzle of maple syrup, to serve
- In a heavy based saucepan, add rice, coconut milk, water, maple syrup, cocoa and vanilla and cook on low until liquid is absorbed.
- Stir in cinnamon and add more if you like it cinnammony.
- Pop a big spoonful in a bowl, to with mascarpone and a drizzle of maple syrup.
- Enjoy. Breath. Relax.