Berry Exciting Times with Added Spiced Banana and Blueberry Loaf

Berry Exciting Times
19 November 2015
Did you know that you can go and buy your very own copy of Lunch Lady now? From an actual shop? She went on sale in real life on Monday and it is awesome seeing photos of her popping up all over instagram. If you’d like to shout out and say hi, use #lunchladymagazine and we will be able to see all your posts.
We also showed the world our little video we made telling the story of how Lunch Lady began. Have a squizz here if you haven’t had a chance to watch it.
Lunch Lady Magazine from Lunch Lady on Vimeo.
But the other REALLY exciting thing that has started to happen lately is all the awesome fruit is back in season. Woohoo! I was getting pretty sick of oranges. Don’t get me wrong, I love them, but it’s time to move on.
The girls and I talked about the cycle of fruit last night over the dinner table. We all agreed the best fruits come after the lame winter offerings. You’ve eaten kale and oranges for 4–5 months and then all of a sudden BAM, stone fruit and berries are here.
It’s a beautiful thing enjoying the seasons. My littlest person said to me at the beginning of the week “Mum, I am kind of getting bored of oranges now”. This was said after months of devouring them like they were the last oranges to be grown ever. But, luckily, she was spot on time. We are moving in to a new season where all the cool stuff grows and fruit and veg are in mega abundance. Summer and autumn are like going into a lolly store and being able to eat whatever you like. But fruit and veg instead of lollies. So your kids may not entirely get that analogy, but I am sure you get what I’m saying.
I have a recipe here for one of my fave cakes. Whip out the berries, chill the beer and have a lazy mid arvo snooze on the couch. Summertime is almost here.
- 125g / 4.25oz softened unsalted butter
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 eggs
- 2 cups mashed ripe bananas
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 250g / 4.75oz self raising flour
- ½ tsp salt
- ½ tsp ground cardamom
- ½ cup milk
- big handful of blueberries
- Preheat oven to 180˚C / 350˚F / Gas Mark 4.
- Line your loaf tin with baking paper.
- Cream the butter and the sugar, until nice and fluffy.
- Add the eggs, banana and vanilla and beat in.
- Pop in the flour, cardamom and salt, mix to combine.
- Finally pour in the milk and mix one last time until well combined.
- Fold blueberries into the batter.
- Pour batter into loaf tin and pop in the over for about 50– 60 mins.
- Cool on a wire rack.