A Chat with Nature Baby Founder Jacob Faull

When did Nature Baby start?
November 1998 in the front room of our flat, the same month we had our first child.
What inspired you to start it?
Lots of things came together but essentially it was the birth of our first child and desire to have a simple and pure approach to raising our baby. In the periphery it was also a trip to India, hanging out at Spitalfields Markets in London, cloth nappies, and seeing artists and activists working in commercial projects. We wanted to create a business model that supported positive change but also managed itself financially… aka super idealistic, but it has worked!
What’s the general gist of it – what do you offer?
Organic and natural products for baby. Although we are known for our clothes, we also scour the neighbourhood and world for things like pure rubber teats, wooden bassinets, fair trade toys etc. Our idea is to be a one-stop shop for all your natural and organic baby needs.
What is your philosophy?
Stay connected, keep it simple, don’t buy too much, know where your products are coming from, support organic and give the best you can for your baby.
What are you hoping Nature Baby to be known for?
A brand that inspires and connects people to the beautiful reality when a baby is born. Yes there are things you need to consider when you are starting a life, so wise up and make it beautiful for all. You’ll be stronger for it and your baby healthier.
How can readers get involved? What’s on offer?
Get the best for your baby and vote with your money, we are aspiring to be a social/commercial initiative to better the world one baby at a time. Also look to tell your story of organic and the benefits for your baby and the world. Ask yourself what you would like the world to look like then go and create that in everything you do.
What are your favourite products at the moment?
Our baby gown, a perennial favourite and the go-to garment for those first six months of life. Mum’s belly stretch oil, containing essential ingredients that start your journey as a mum. And these new organic shoes we will sell this season from Spain – at last an organic shoe!
Tell us about your work/life balance/juggle.
In running a business you are always working on it in some form or another, so you are constantly juggling life/family and the curve balls that can be thrown your way. I think life is continually out of balance so I have given up on the idea of balance and am learning to enjoy the difference. We have an incredible team that help run different parts of the business which helps keep everything flowing and supports us when growing the vision. We also take holidays and breaks and time off when on work trips. We take the kids when we can, eat lots of green things, meditate, exercise, breath in and breath out.
Can you share some favourite moments from your business journey so far?
Going to New York to collaborate with J.Crew on their baby range. It was like a grass roots activist going to work at the UN! Bumping into my friends at our stores shopping for their babies – thanks guys! Also, going to India to work with the original families who started the organic production movement, these people are the real deal.
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