
Saving the world from boredom: one bored kid at a time

Saving the world from boredom: one bored kid at a time

Boredom is all part of being a kid, and so important too! But if it's all just getting a little too much - this 'Bored' Games idea can be a lifesaver. Easy entertainment for the school holidays with the mission of saving one bored kid at a time. Make a...

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an illustration of a girl holding a rainbow for Lunch Lady Magazine

How does colour impact our kids?

Colour experts agree: colour can impact our emotions, mental health, sleep patterns and even our appetites. But what about our kids? How are they affected by colour and can we use colour to help them?

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illustration of a minimalist mum sitting with a cup of tea looking at a clover for Lunch Lady Magazine

The mother of six who became a minimalist

When mother of six Jillian Johnsrud adopted three siblings and found out she was pregnant, her world was turned upside down. With her life feeling so full, she realised they needed less and so began her six year deep dive into minimalism.

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Bedtime Meditation for Kids

Bedtime Meditation for Kids

This bedtime meditation for kids combines relaxation and visualisation techniques to encourage kids to calm themselves before sleep.

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Why kids need time in nature

Why kids need time in nature

With kids spending more time on screens then ever, it's imperative to make time for reconnection with nature. Journalist and author Richard Louv has spent a good chunk of his life helping people and societies reconnect in a way that is joyful, futuristic and technological. And it all begins with children.

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