Nat McComas on Wildflowers and Photography for Nature Baby

Meet Nat McComas, the photographer for Nature Baby’s latest collection, Ocean Tails and Forest Trails.
We chat with Nat about working with kids, shooting for Nature Baby, childhood summers and native wildflowers.

How did you get into photography?
My Grandfather gave me his old, all manual Pentax film camera when I was in high school. I spent hours working out all the settings to take pictures. Many a lunchtime I was in the darkroom keenly developing my film and prints by hand and being thrilled with the surprise of how they turned out. Since I shot those first few rolls of film I have always felt being a photographer was the right path for me to follow. I’m so glad I never questioned myself and whether I could do it, I just went about making it happen.

Do you have a favourite thing to photograph?
I love photographing the coastal scenes in Byron Bay where I live. And I also enjoy going on hiking trips to different national parks to photograph native wildflowers.
Nature Baby asked you to bring their latest collection to life in Byron Bay. Tell us about putting together this campaign for them?
As a child I was in love with nature and everything to do with being outdoors, so I wanted to bring that sense of adventure into these photoshoots for Nature Baby.
The ocean inspired pieces reminded me of my own childhood summers that were spent, almost entirely, at the beach—the sun bright and my feet all sandy!
The Forest Flower & Kowhai prints reminded me of collecting flowers, getting lost in my imagination and exploring bush tracks whilst camping near the coast.
The children and parents were all so lovely to work with and there were so many beautiful photographs to choose from!

What do you love most about photographing kids (and what are the challenges)?
I love how their moods/actions/poses are so authentic. Most of the time their ideas are way better then what I could have dreamed up! It’s always difficult if you can see what will make amazing photograph but the child won’t co-operate to re-create it. You usually only get one shot at an idea with children! Keeping the energy up to make the shoot seem fun is key.
What’s your top tips for photographing kids?
When I’m about to do a photo shoot with kids I always have a few ideas in my mind, but I try not to hold onto those ideas too tightly as, the kids are in charge really. They do what they want, when they want! The more you go with the flow, the easier and more fun the shoot will be. I like observing them, seeing what makes them light up and getting their attention that way.

What was your favourite print from the sprinter collection?
I love the Kowhai print - it reminds me of being present and noticing tiny flowers whilst out in nature.

Where can we see more of your photography? and I'm on Instagram as @natmccomas
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To see more of this gorgeous collection head to:
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