DIY Fuzzy Felt

To make your own DIY fuzzy felt,
You will need...
- large piece of black felt (big enough to cover backing board)
- piece of ply or thick card to use as a backing board (we used A3 size but any size can work)
- pins & scissors
- coloured felt
- hot glue gun or PVA or fabric glue
- pins & scissors
- templates – download them here
Step 1:
To make the backing board, place the black felt on top of the ply board and trim the felt to sit flush with the edges of the board. Glue the felt to the backing board. Leave to dry, if necessary.
Step 2:
Cut out your templates. Pin one to the colour of felt you’d like to cut that shape out of. Cut out the felt, using the pinned template as a guide. If there’s a shape you like missing from the templates, draw your own template and cut from that. The cutting can take a while—don’t rush it! Sharp pointed scissors get the best results.
Step 3:
Once you have cut out all your desired shapes, you’re ready to arrange and play! It’s a good idea to keep all your felt parts together in a box or bag.
DIY Fuzzy Felt by Beci Orpin for Lunch Lady Magazine Issue 18. Photographs by Jacinta Moore.