beddie: a nostalgic bed linen brand

Beddie bed linen is inspired by the patterns, colours and quality of the past. Founder and designer, Deborah Brown, chats about why Beddie is the best bedding for the whole family.
When did the idea for Beddie come about?
I had been tinkering with the idea of starting a business for a long time, and ideas would come and go. About three years ago, I actually woke up one night with the lightning bolt thought: "Sheets!! and the name will be Beddie!" I knew that was it.
Why bed linen?
I have always loved vintage bedding–the colours, designs, and feel of good-quality sheets. I admired the nice weight and drape feel, and it had me wondering why I couldn't buy sheets like that now. And, I also love design and colour, and combining that with my love of a very comfortable bed. So, it made sense to me, finally, that this was a great fit for me.
How long have you had the business for?
I launched Beddie in May 2022, so we are coming up to its first birthday very soon!
What did you do before?
Mothering! Before that I was a graphic designer and artist. I did continue with art (when I could) during full-time mothering. I also helped run my husband's business behind the scenes.

Tell us a little about your family.
I have three children–a daughter and two sons. Of course, they are my greatest achievements!
They are all so different, and watching their differences is so interesting to me. My daughter is a hugely motivated person, always pushing herself out of her comfort zone and aiming high. She's my tornado.
My first son is a creative soul, with major wanderlust and a big soft heart, yet a fiery side for social justice. And my second son is a computer geek, totally chilled and quite quirky (he likes white Crocs.)
My hubby is a television producer for Japanese TV. He speaks fluent Japanese, which I love to hear because I cannot imagine speaking two languages!
We had a dog named Olivia for nearly 12 years. We had to say goodbye to her a couple of months ago, as she quickly became quite sick. I still think she's at my feet under my desk, and I swear I hear her footfalls too. We all miss her very much.
What has been the biggest thrill in building the business?
The biggest thrill in building this business has been the fact that I have actually created this business! I've never done this before. So, it was a lot to overcome the doubts and fears and push myself to keep on, even when it felt impossibly hard. Building a sustainable business with a heart and caring about how my products are farmed, manufactured and shipped brings me so much joy.
Where do you get the sheets made? Who designs them?
My bedding is currently long-staple cotton that I get sustainably farmed in Portugal. Then it's off to my sewing partner in Hebei Province for the final finishing. My partner Susan in China is just incredible–she has gone above and beyond to meet my specifications of finishings. There were so many months of backwards and forwarding samples and ideas, and she has been just incredibly supportive, and we cut no corners in quality. She knows that our bedding must be good quality, and she has not let me down. This was an absolute must for Beddie, and there was a lot of searching to find the right people. We also refuse to use any plastics during any of the processes.
I do all the designing myself, from the actual artwork for the printing process to the curating of colours, to the weave of the cotton and the specific cotton threads. This is the side of the business that I love. I have other ideas for different fabrics and manufacturers that I will introduce down the track, and I will always have the information on my website as new products enter the Beddie world.

What are the sheets made of?
100% long-staple cotton. Oeko Tex Certified and they contain no nasty chemicals, pesticides or dyes. You won't need to patch this cotton, as it will not wear out easily like most cheaper cotton weaves. Wonderful for the kids' beds! They can build forts and you can trust the sheets will not tear or get 'bald' patches.
Did you know about linen beforehand, or have you had to learn as you go?
I am totally learning as I go! I did do a fair bit of research into sustainable cottons and manufacturing techniques before I started. But I had never worked in the field of bed linen before.
What have you learnt about yourself while building this business?
I have learnt that I have the grit needed to build this business.
I have learnt that you can spin many plates if you believe in your ability and don't give up.
And, I have learnt that one's bum becomes extremely numb when sitting at your computer for too many hours a day.
What do you love most about beddie?
I love my customer's delight! The emails and messages I get from so many people just letting me know that my sheets bring them joy is the best. I can't tell you how happy that makes me.
I love that we are sustainable, always striving to be even better, and that Beddie refuses plastics and any excess waste. Packaging can be so overproduced, but we only use cotton drawstring bags that can be reused repeatedly. I love that.
What kind of experience do you hope people have with the sheets?
I hope that these sheets bring joy. I hope they bring a beautiful, comfortable sleep and that people smile when they see them or jump into bed. And I hope that they feel good about the purchase, knowing that we endeavour to become completely carbon-neutral and that they are supporting an ethical brand. We have just joined forces with i=Change too, so for every purchase, Beddie will contribute one dollar to the charity the buyer chooses at checkout–another reason to feel good about our sheets :)
Check out Beddie on their website or follow their instagram.
For tips and tricks about bedtime for kids read bedtime meditations, nigh-time fears and what to do about them, or try our sleep-easy banana bread.